Friday, April 13, 2018

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning is a process that assists an agency with improving performance, solving organizational problems, building internal communications, and identifying where the agency wants to be at some point in the future and how it will get there. Missions would turn key organizational weaknesses into strengths, respond to trends in the community, and increase the effectiveness of current strategies. Each strategic plan should include a mission statement, which is a short phrase that simply states who they are helping and their goal. For an example, Bergen's Promise's mission statement is : "Healthy families, safe at home". It states who we are helping and how we want them to be (healthy families), as well as what we are wishing to accomplish (safe at home). It is short enough that one could easily remember it. Along with the mission statement, each agency should have a vision statement, which is a much more descriptive explanation on what they wish to accomplish. Every agency should have a strategic plan, regardless of their size. They should all have a plan of where they want to be in years to come, even if it just involves a plan to stay open.