When a youth is no longer able to stay under the care of their family, for reasons such as the parent's inability to cater to the youth's needs or the lack of progress the youth seems to be making, they are recommended to move to a residential treatment center, also referred to as a RTC. A more common term for a RTC would be "rehab". In this case, it offers the youth a chance to receive therapy through a live-in health care facility. It could be for a variety of reasons, though some include substance abuse, mental illness, or other behavioral problems. RTCs are usually the last resort, in hopes that the youth will be able to manage his or her situation. Typically, the main goal is to keep the child at home while still receiving care (such as the Bergen Promise logo which is "Healthy families, safe at home"), but in some cases, that is not what is best for the youth and the unique situation. Sometimes, a residential treatment center is the only way to help the child get a more stable grasp on life. In cases I have seen within Bergen's Promise, they still are in contact with their parents, for keeping strong supports is extremely important to the child.