Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bergen ResourceNet

As a member of the community resources team, I now am now responsible for updating the Bergen ResourceNet with new community events or professional trainings onto the website. This allows others throughout Bergen County to see events going on near them and a chance to go out and find natural supports. This also lets professionals go to trainings to learn about certain topics such as dealing with youth with ADHD, OCD, or anxiety. It is very important to keep the website extremely current, so the public knows everything that is going on. The community resources supervisor emails the community resource team randomly throughout the day with new things to input, as well as the website itself having a tab where the public can send us events we might not have heard about. The Bergen ResourceNet makes sure the public is aware of different events or trainings occurring all throughout Bergen County to allow the public to get involved. It also uploads things such as summer camps or other child care services. Each county in New Jersey has their own version of Bergen ResourceNet.